Friday, January 22, 2016

Send-Off Party

All of Muambong was involved in my going away party, called a send-off party here, and it was certainly a big event! To give you an idea of the size, my fellow PCV stated it was “more attended than a Beyoncé concert.” Literally all of my village came out for the event. We started things off by respecting the proper protocal. I waited at my house until the Clanhead came to get me. 

Then we walked along the road in a procession lead by the Clanhead to the event hall (aka the health center), where we were seated at the high table (the table reserved for “big men” and other notables). Then there were several speeches given by the Clanhead and several other chiefs, thanking me and wishing me well, and reminding me to greet my parents upon my return. There were also several dismayed comments relating to the fact that I have not married a Cameroonian. From there, we moved on to food and drink. The women in my party prepared food all day the day before, including ndolé, black soup, corn chaff, chicken, and a goat. Yes, we slaughtered a goat. That was rather gruesome, but the meat was delicious. 

In addition to my own group of women preparing food, each village prepared its own food and brought it to the event. The result: an excessive amount of food and palm wine. 

There was enough to feed all attendees from all 14 villages. People were squeezed into the health center and scattered all over the yard and street. After the official event, the party continued in the bars and clubs. It turned into a massive village dance, and after each song there was chorus of “Allely hoyay!” (a celebratory salute) and “Auntie Allely!” I certainly felt appreciated and absolutely had a blast. I will really miss my village and everyone I have met here. 

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