Monday, August 10, 2015

RADD Graduation

On this past Wednesday 17 students graduated from my Riders Against Drunk Driving program. It was a very successful event. I was incredibly happy to have so many participants and to have all of them do so well. 

The program covered the effects of alcohol, ranging from its effects on driving to risky behaviors like unsafe sex and violence. The number of riders who reported never drinking after driving went up 20% after completing the program. Similarly, the number of riders who reported never carrying passengers after drinking also increased. 100% of riders stated it was unsafe to drink after driving. The amount of participants who reported using contraception increased. In fact, there was a 20% increase in people who reported always using condoms, with 0% reporting never using them (compared to 18% before the program). Additionally, a total of 69% of participants reported using a condom the last time they engaged in sexual activities, an increase of 22%. Previously, over half of the participants reported not using a condom the last time they had had sex; this number dropped to only four people after the class. Upon completing the course, the riders received certificates and bumper stickers to put on their bikes signifying that they were graduates of the safe driving program. I’m incredibly grateful to the riders who attended the program for being so engaged and making it such a success! 

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